Thoughts from a serf


I don't use US providers if I don't have to. I will do a post on why some time in the future. Because AWS S3 has been such a success many tools have created support for the S3 object storage. So, both OpenStack Swift and Ceph have built compatability for the S3 API. And Ceph has the benefit of being compatible with both S3 API and OpenStack Swift API.

Ceph is the object storage solutuion at Cleura. They have quite good documentation on how to get get started. Like how to create ec2 credentials with OpenStack, so I suggest you follow their guide.

To use S3 backend with OpenTofu you first need to create a bucket. Then you can configure the backend and initialize with OpenTofu. And from there on you are rocking a remote backend set up with OpenTofu.

In OpenTofu the configuration needed is not not complicated. The snippet below shows the configuration needed for OpenTofu:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.8.0"
  required_providers {
    openstack = {
      source  = "terraform-provider-openstack/openstack"
      version = "~> 2.1.0"


  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "a-cool-bucket-name"
    key    = "a_cool_state_name.tfstate"
    endpoints = {
      s3 = ""
    skip_s3_checksum            = "true"
    region                      = "us-east-1"
    use_path_style              = "true"
    skip_credentials_validation = "true"
    skip_requesting_account_id  = "true"
    skip_metadata_api_check     = "true"
    access_key                  = var.s3_access_key
    secret_key                  = var.s3_secret_key

The acces_key and even more so the secret_key should be provided in a secure way. Either by your OpenTofu runner of choice or using Terragrunt and SOPS or something like that.

At Cleura the Karlskrona datacenter, Kna1, has an Object Storage with S3 compatability with features such as Object-Lock, Object-Versioning and Server Side Encryption (SSE).

Since I am using OpenTofu, I want to use state encryption later. That means I will encrypte the state file on the client side and thus protecting the state file before it reaches the object storage. The benefit of that is that I will not need to provide the encryption key to Cleura.

To create a bucket you might use the AWS S3 cli tool. The following snippet shows how to create a bucket with object lock enabled which also enables object versioning.

aws --profile PROFILENAME \
  s3api create-bucket \
  --bucket BUCKETNAME \

When you have created the bucket and the backend configuration is complete you can perform tofu init.

If you already have a state file, make sure it is located inside your project root folder, called terraform.tfstate and perform tofu init -migrate-state

In a future post I will dig a bit deeper into state encryption and backups of the state file and how to use SOPS with OpenTofu.

#terraform #opentofu #openstack #s3 #objectstorage #remotebackend #cleura

Joakim Durehed